By silentsuzie - 12/02/2010 15:23 - United States

Today, I realized I can never live with my fiancée. A childhood of systematic teasing, abuse, and humiliation has made me terrified to use a bathroom around a guy if there's the slightest chance I can be heard, seen, or even have anyone know what I'm up to. Therapy has yet to fix anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 352
You deserved it 5 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cursesonyourmom 1

buy a little radio and play it in the bathroom. even if your just putting on makeup. that way he can't hear you and doesn't know what your doing.

"If you have to shit, shit! If you have to fart, fart! You will feel much better for it." ~Mao Tse-tung


terror_twins 0

i know how that feels. my boyfriend has convinced himself that girls don't have bodily functions so, I can't ever stay at his house, because I have stomach problems.

If you can't shit around your boyfriend or girlfriend then your not ready to get married. That's just the beginning of the trip down the rabbit hole.

QueenWasp 0

I was like that as well when I first moved in with my fiance. You will adjust to it, I promise. Do not let those assholes that ruined your school years ruin the rest of your life. **** them, they're shit.

I've found that the best ways to get over fears is to just do it, even if your scared. Just try, even if you chicken out. Most of the time, if you tell yourself you have nothing to fear, you'll eventually believe it. Try baby steps, like explaining your problem to your fiance and asking him not to go near the bathroom when you are in there. Get comfortable with it slowly. If your fiance truly loves you, he'll be patient and work through it with you. Then again, I never had a phobia that required therapy. Maybe this won't help. But whatever happens, you shouldn't deprive yourself of a life with the man you love. And Congrats on the engagement!

Why don't you just ask him if it disturbs him to hear you? If he says no, then the problem is solved. If he cares about you, he'll work through it with you.

iwantone 0

I have the same issue. Everywhere I go I turn the water on full blast when I use the potty. I have the same thing when I eat. it makes me nervous. But OP, if you love him and he loves you, he will have no issue with you "releaving" yourself and you should just try your best not to let it bother you. Talk to him about it.

I have the same thing :/ Didn't help that I got sick one day and was dumped a few days later. The reason? Still don't know, but this could be one of them.

okay, so i had to learn thi. it was a big problem. you have to just fight to not care. and go, you have to make youself once and then it'll be soooo much easier. **** communal bathrooms.

dont worry :( i'm awkward about certain things too but if he loves you he won't make fun of you. if he teased you for anything, i'm sure he'd just mean it in a loving way, thinking something you did was cute. :)