By silentsuzie - 12/02/2010 15:23 - United States

Today, I realized I can never live with my fiancée. A childhood of systematic teasing, abuse, and humiliation has made me terrified to use a bathroom around a guy if there's the slightest chance I can be heard, seen, or even have anyone know what I'm up to. Therapy has yet to fix anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 352
You deserved it 5 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cursesonyourmom 1

buy a little radio and play it in the bathroom. even if your just putting on makeup. that way he can't hear you and doesn't know what your doing.

"If you have to shit, shit! If you have to fart, fart! You will feel much better for it." ~Mao Tse-tung


Fancy_Catz 0

seriously, your fiancee has better things to do than listen to you pee. In fact, it may be on his list of things not to do...

I know how you feel! I just make sure that they're not in any of the rooms near the bathroom first or make sure they're watching tv or something

htebazile 0

When my boyfriend first moved in I would only use the bathroom when he was gone, or if the tub was running. Trust me it gets better.

Freeze, well put with the divide by zero comment. Although, I divide by zero all the time, the answer always comes out to be infinity.

iSitt 0

don't let anyone or anything pressure you into such a long term decision. if you don't want to so it then back out.

Play loud and blaring music whenever you go to the bathroom.

Well I don't think anyone likes being heard crapping, especially by members of the opposite sex. You're not alone on this.

i know what its like to be tormented and i hope that you can over come this

Freaking_Joel 0

Anxiety isn't a medical issue, it's a self induced mental state, I hate how everyone thinks everything is a medical issue these days...

altaira_fml 0

Anxiety is closely related to depression. Both involve an imbalance of hormones in the brain, making it a medical issue. If someone had a chemical imbalance in any other organ that made them sick, I bet you wouldn't be so nasty about it. Dumbass.

wingedtoad 0

What's the problem? You're considering moving in with your fiancee, not a guy.