By Anonymous - 16/12/2013 07:55

Today, I realized how bad my depression has gotten when I caught myself fantasizing about suicide while having sex with my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 997
You deserved it 7 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dom_Olivares 12

Talk it out with your husband or someone else!

Eliseopwns 22

We all have problems. At least you know and acknowledge yours.


perdix 29

Another answer that's better than suicide: Sex toys! They're cheaper than guns (except maybe the diesel-powered Anal Dominator 4000, butt you're probably not in the market for one of those quite yet. Besides, it's difficult to get a bank to give you a loan for one of those;))

I would think that would be the perfect loan in the eyes of the bank. They get to royally screw you in the you can buy something to screw you in the ass.

As an aside, I am very impressed by the out pouring of support for this OP.

kayteakay 26

Find help for yourself! You deserve to be happy and healthy. Don't suffer alone.

i do the same thing, altho i havent had sex yet, so i couldnt tell you about that. its pretty hard, i know. this weekend i was out with friends, and i was fantasizing about my suicide the whole time. luckily my friend figured it out and made sure to stay between me and the road the whole night. id suggest you talk to your husband about it, he'll surely help you. good luck OP, and im always here to talk if you need it :)

Maybe you should. Your husband might be into necrophilia.

Is your life really that pointless that you actually care?

Suggesting that a suicidal person go through with it is likely to get the average person a little up in arms. It doesn't mean their life is pointless.

you might want to consider going to the ER hospital with a psych unit for voluntary admissions. just make sure that wherever you go is nonprofit. I went to the ER with suicidal ideations several years ago and it was the best decision I ever made. it was also the most difficult because I always feared losing my mind and saw that as admitting that I lost my mind. I have improved significantly since then and owe it to the treatment I sought.

joesaysfitall 8

not to be mean or anything disrespectful but you need to get some professional help suicide isn't the way out.

OP - depression is an insideous condition. The thoughts of hopelessness and despair loom over you and destroy logic and rational thought. You don't feel as though things can get better, and in fact you are certain they won't. I have been through this and I am certain that most people have this feeling at one time or another in their lives. Most people do come out on the other side as better, stronger, more vibrant, caring, empathetic people. In all likrlihood you can, and will, too. You may need to change your life. You may need to leave your husband. You may need to get a job or a new job. You may need to move to be closer with your family. It won't be easy. You neef to take charge of your life because you cannot live like this forever. Find someone to lean on. The best way to help yourself is to help others. Give what you can of your time, love, and presence to those less fortunate than yourself and you can make a difference in your own life. Hug more. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Don't give up without a fight!