By NotEnoughCleaner - 12/11/2009 17:30 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised I hate my cat. She has 'stress incontinence', which involved her peeing all over my house. Last week I found out she'd been peeing on my stove, and I can't clean off the smell. Now whenever I try to cook some food, the kitchen is flooded with the scent of burning cat pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 474
You deserved it 5 685

midgie tells us more.

Oh, she's been to the vet. Lots. And apparently, unlike in humans, cat 'stress incontinence' isn't the kind where you pee when you sneeze, but the kind where you pee everywhere when you're stressed. Why is she stressed? We think she freaked out when my husband worked away from home for a few weeks. Why isn't she better - dunno! She has meds. from the vet to help her. I can't keep her out of the kitchen, due to the design of my funny, v. old, house the kitchen doesn't have a door to close it off from the rest of the house. Also her cat-flap (kitty door) is in the front door, which opens onto ...the kitchen. And she's been peeing under my bed... I've now thoroughly run out of tolerance for cat pee, hence the hatred...

Top comments

I've always wondered what the scent of burning cat pee is like. In some Asian cultures burning cat pee is used for aromatherapy. Consider yourself lucky that you have a cat that is aware of this fact. Your own little aroma therapist!

PhillyGirl2 0

um, ew. but you shouldnt hate her, its not her fault. you should have trained her and possibly have her spayed (if thats the actual problem, usually its only with males tho)


To train your cat to stay off the stove, buy a motion sensor alarm, preferably one that has a chime function so that when it goes off really loudly in the night you don't take a dump in your jammies. To get rid of the smell, use vinegar. Make sure you're lifting the stovetop and cleaning underneath, your cat's likely using the burner holes as a toilet.

Wish my stove worked that way. Doesn't lift up at all, and has solid burners She's not doing it anymore, I put foil over the top at night, she's scared of foil. But the smell lingers on... -OP.

love your cat while you can,cause i just lost one of mine to a tragic mistake.You never know if there going to be with you in the next 5 hours or not. :'(

Vinegar will get the smell out. I would kicked the cat outside. It will live.

exoticat22 0

may be sad, I dunno how old your cat is, but best thing to do when they start peeing is get rid of em. Take em down the long walk. It's not going to get any better, sides there's an overpopulation problem with cats anyway so just go to your local humane center and cheer yourself up by getting a cat that doesn't pee all over the place.

olivialoveable 0

knasdjfka... I dislike cats and their pee so much... I think you might have to get rid of that cat + that stove...

That's quite an unsanitary situation. For health reasons you should like be living in a situation like that. If the cat cannot be trained nor medicated, then it should be put down.

You didn't happen to adopt this cat somewhere in north Alabama did you! I recently gave up a cat with a pissing issue...

i hate people like you. people like you should not be allowed to own pets.