By vaalcrawford - 11/05/2011 04:59 - Canada

Today, I puked up a centipede. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 737
You deserved it 8 139

vaalcrawford tells us more.

it obvs got in my system while i was sleeping. and if theyre poisinous then thats why i had to puke. nd yes i have seen the human centipede, no it was an actual centipede. i cried when i saw it it was ******* disgusting.


Jim Carrey thinks that vaccines give children diseases like autism; **** him, getting children sick.

619warrior281 5

shut the **** up 140 jim carry has nothing to do with the controversy of the mercury once used in vaccines causing autisum.

good thing you didn't puke up a human centipede

tittymagic 0

haha i love that movie he sews the lips to the asshole and the guy has to take a dump

ilikeemsmall 4

You just cant keep a good centipede down!