By Anonymous - 06/07/2013 16:13 - Lithuania - Vilnius

Today, I poured my heart out to my now ex-girlfriend over the recent passing away of my grandmother. Her eyes glazed over multiple times, and when I said that I don't know how to cope with everything, her advice was simply, "Shotgun. Mouth. Blam." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 301
You deserved it 5 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kozmotis 8

At least you had the brains to dump her. You deserve better than that horrible woman. Sorry for the loss of your grandmother. :(

You should say Hand. Door. Out. I'm really sorry OP, she is insensitive. You deserve better. You dodged a grenade!


Sounds like you dumped her and, for that, I commend you, sir.

Sounds like an episode of "The Office". But in all seriousness, my condolences for your loss.

At least you got rid of her before she gave you any more "advice"

it worked for cobain.... but jokes aside, that is screwed up.

That joke is in really poor taste, man...

Wow, what an awful thing to say...I can see why she's your ex.