By Money-money-money - 14/12/2012 02:25 - France

Today, I played a game of Monopoly with my friends. Since I'm of Greek origin, they thought it would be funny to make me start with a €100,000 debt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 522
You deserved it 5 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Are they American? If so, start them off with a 16 trillion dollar debt.

No. The European union isn't actually real, it is simply a coverup of Russia's world domination plan. Russia secretly owns all of those countries and forced them together to make an economic powerhouse, which will then form with Russia, which has been under the radar. Once Russia is the biggest, most powerful country, they will contact the aliens that built the Egyptian pyramids and ask them for their advanced technology. To resist, the North and South American countries, with USA as their leader, will form the American Union. Then there will be a nuclear war between all of the continents, resulting in the melting of Antarctica. Australians, however, converted the whole continent if Australia into a space ship and they leave to mars. Most of the world will be flooded, except for the highest mountains, the Himalayas. The only survivors will be the Sherpas. Then, from the Bermuda Triangle, there will be a special nuclear toxin causing the bodies in the water to become swimming zombies. The Sherpas will be safe from these zombies because of their cold environment. After the zombies die off, the Sherpas will evolve to become fish-humans. They will build an underwater Atlantis, and in there they will survive the worlds next ice age. Today's society will be forgotten by then. Then the world returns to the way it was, and Panem is born. Thus, the Hunger Games. So who cares about money?


If your friends are French, make fun of them by making them mime everything they do.

alphatoomega 21

What edition were you playing? Standard Monopoly doesn't have anywhere near that much in circulation.

tell your friend of German origin he has to help you out of debt