By musicmaniac13 - 18/03/2011 19:08 - France

Today, I performed in my school's choir concert. The girl next to me started to pass out, and I grabbed her so she wouldn't hit her head. After we were done performing and the curtains closed, my choir teacher dragged me off stage and said I was getting an F for "creating a distraction". FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 694
You deserved it 3 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nowIshallrise 0

could've told him what happened? if he already knew, he's a dumbass.


FancyKnickers_fml 0

It isn't a drama audition. Girls are always dramatic.

I remember during a chorus concert back when I was in middle school, the teacher kept flashing dirty looks and pointing her finger in my direction in between songs. I thought she was angry at someone behind me or just being crazy, so I just stared back her.....while chewing my gum. She wanted me to get rid of it. Ha! Luckily though, she didn't give me an 'F'. You should talk to the principle.

Désolé pour toi, je pense que ton prof doit être un bel enfoiré. Great english by the way

what in the hell is this I can't believe it I will go over there and slap the piss outta all three of y'all your teacher for being a smartass, your girl for being a wimp and for you for being whiney you stupidass.

bazingaman10 0

how is he being whiney? he got an F for preventing someone from falling on the floor. Is he supposed to just let her fall??

one your not a whimper for fainting two up is a girl

MusoManiac 4

That's what you get for being nice, I guess.

exactly - I learned early that a reasoned and unemotional argument can being authority dbags down quickly - when that didn't work I would say they touched me *down there*

hcovballer247 0

just to let you know, you usually pass out from singing when your knees are locked. there are plenty people who have passed out while singing because they had their knees locked. just a warning(:

crazy_bananas 31

Ha! At my high school we called that pulling a band kid. One of them, usually a Freshman, would lock up their knees during a performance and pass out about once a year.

You sound like a child, just explain to your choir director what happened! case solved!