By me - 15/12/2013 01:49 - United States - West Babylon

Today, I managed to infect a clean computer with a virus while looking up info on how to rid my other computer of the same virus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 594
You deserved it 8 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I've got you all beat: I'll win $10,000 plus an iphone 5S if I can just tell whether this picture is of Miley Cyrus, Bill Clinton, or Madonna!

I almost did that once by going to a sight for 1940 pontiac parts. I spotted the sight and pontiac was spelt as ponntic I latter learned the sight was specifically made to spread computer viruses when a friend go on it

Thats y i dont mess with techno gizmos when they have a virus i let geek squad work their magic

tgagliano95 15

Its pretty hard to get a virus, you must be pretty reckless about what you do on the computer.

Whoever said free antivirus sucks is a moron. OP, be more careful when looking for solutions to things like this

Byere 4

I know inoculations work by injecting a weaken version of the virus into the person, but I'm pretty sure a computer's antivirus software doesn't work exactly the same way

No I got the best deal yet, I get to go on a vacation for free. All I have to do is give them my social security number and bank account info!

Step 1: Stop using Internet Explorer. Step 2: Use AVG or Avast free antivirus to clean it.