By CryoSpectre - 11/05/2015 04:23 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I made my mom cookies for Mother's Day. My brother took all the cookies to work as a snack, because I didn't specifically tell him that the homemade "MOM" hearts weren't meant for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 862
You deserved it 2 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He probably read them upside down and they said "wow." I'd take Wow cookies to work.

Cookies laying around are always up for grabs! It's too tempting to pass up. I'm sure the thought still made your mom happy and a laugh for later years.


That's what you get for spelling mum as mom.

Your comment makes me facepalm. Accept that different parts of the world have different spellings.

Your brother sounds like a selfish ****

zachery44 5

That's something my bro would do

ajs1987 15

Your brother doesn't sound too bright, although "MOM" looks like "WOW" when it's upside down, maybe that's where the confusion was.

All of them for a snack? Your brother must have a large appetite for snacks.

He took them ALL for lunch? Jeeze, I hope you had time to make more.

Maybe he thought they were asses that said WOW?

Even if it wasn't completely obvious who they were for, it was really rude of him to take them ALL without even asking.

What he didn't tell you is he changed his name to Mom.

Sounds like something my brothers would do! We've nicknamed one of them "Clueless" lol