By HannahBretts - 24/08/2013 05:28 - United States - Turlock

Today, I'm watching a TV show about horrible germs in hotel rooms that you can catch from a bed... while I am stuck in a hotel room... on the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 355
You deserved it 7 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

Oh the instant irony! Haha. Time for some hand sanitizer and a shower.

Reality TV always over-exaggerates every situation to gain views. You'll be fine sleeping in a hotel bed one night.


change channel quickly. it won't get better just creep u out further.

believe me - germs from a hospital are way worse. but still, fyl :(

Lol, I read this while sitting in a hotel bed...

Just be glad you left your forensic DNA light at home...

For shame... I always take mine with me.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss. It's just something I try not to think about when staying in a hotel. Haven't caught any crippling illnesses from hotel germs yet...

skyeyez9 24

You probably have a higher chance of getting food poisoning in a restaurant vs getting sick from a decent hotel.

I'm at the hotel... Any one have a black light I can borrow?

That's like watching Jaws before you go swimming in the ocean. Just don't. Ignorance is bliss.