By Kelnyquist - 13/09/2016 05:37 - United States

Today, I'm a horse trainer and I started working with a lady's horse. After two hours of hard work and sweat, me and the horse in question are tired and I tell her I'll be back tomorrow. I get to the part where she's supposed to pay me and she says, "Oh! I thought this was free!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 719
You deserved it 1 305

Kelnyquist tells us more.

OP here! This was the first time I was handling a client on my own. I've been an apprentice for several years and I was recommended to this lady by a friend of mine. I guess their conversation about me somehow made it seem as if I would do the first lesson free. I did get the payment. Me and the horse are getting on just fine now and our lessons have been reduced to thirty minutes a day. He even greets me at the gate!

Top comments

That's when you don't come back the next day. And if she calls you, say: "Oh! I thought you only wanted me for one day!?"

Who thinks that someone is going around losing money training random peoples horses?


Now you know to always talk $$$ before you start to work. Never leave any doubt about how much you expect and when you get it and get a signed contract. No money no honey to coincide a phrase.

derpina72 23

This makes me incredibly mad. She either used that as an excuse to get out of paying, or she honestly thought that, in which case she should have double checked with you before you put in hard work and used YOUR time, OP. DON'T **** with people's pay. People have to make a living.

Yes! As #24 said, always discuss Payment before any service! You're a professional, and it's why contracts exist!! Yes, it sucks, but next time have in writing what you're doing. Make sure they know exactly what will take place and what costs are associated with It! I hope you can work it out, and I sincerely hope she's not playing you. How did she find out about you anyways? Worse comes to worst, you can take her to small claims court if she found you out through a company online. Might be iffy, good luck!

Do you call yourself a "freelancer" by any chance? I've heard that makes (ignorant) people think you work for free...

What gave her the impression it would be free?

Every teenage girl whose sat on a horse claims to be a "horse trainer". You obviously did not agree to terms ahead of time. No contract either. Nothing "professional" about how you handled it. In the horse world, we call you wannabes. Good life lesson for you.

Op here! I've been apprenticed to a good trainer for the last four years. The first hour or so was mostly grooming and introducing myself to the horse in question.

Sadly, this is why you have to make absolutely sure to discuss payments and fees upfront -_- some people don't have a clhe or oubce of common sense Good luck OP

Teach the horse how to start a family get a house and have a sustainable job to live off, then set it free. It will be a functioning member of society AND you'll get back at her, everyone wins.

Well tomorrow you can be a smart horse trainer and start asking for money before you do anything so you don't waste your time...