By Satan - 15/03/2010 23:22 - United States

Today, I lost my phone. I tried to call it using my husband's phone, but couldn't figure out which of the three Kates in the contact list was me. Turns out, two are co-workers and one is his aunt. I was listed under Satan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 405
You deserved it 9 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh, why did you have to go through the contact list? Don't you know your own cell number by heart?


bradyt2393 0

I actually laughed out loud on this one.

boatkicker 4

So you called all three of the Kates in his phone, instead of just dialing your number by hand? That's ridiculous. But FYL for being in your husbands phone under Satan.

Yikes #26, if you're gonna insult people on the internet, you shouldn't have a picture like that up . . . That's just asking for it lol

Aww, i hope you and him both have a sense of humour. Tho he deserves a bat to the head for that one Lol.

How do you not know your own phone number?

How does your husband tell 3 Kates apart if he doesn't have their last names entered? Maybe I'm highly paranoid, but I would look into it...maybe he's cheating. Smells fishy. AND, it would be funny if he told you/showed you that. Finding out on your own that you are listed as FYL. I don't have a problem with my sense of humor, but I would be like "WTF?!?".