By cheaters_should_die - 18/12/2009 14:31 - United States

Today, I looked at my house in Google Street View for the first time and noticed an unfamiliar vehicle in the driveway. When I asked my wife about it, she admitted to have an ongoing affair. Apparently the entire world knew my wife was having an affair before I did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 887
You deserved it 3 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your wife's a **** and an idiot. There were a million excuses she could have made for why that car was there.

Lol, what a terrible way to figure out. FYL.


wow, you gotta be the first person whose marriage ever broke up thanks to Google street view, thought. that is making history my friend.

I think my bf would **** in his pants if he walked in on me doing that. However, I would hardly use an 'at least' to compare someone's wife getting frisky with a veggie to her having a (likely marriage-ending) affair with another person. The latter is far worse than the former, IMHO.

FlyinJ 0

Yeah #94, it's sad but this dude isn't the first to have this happen. About a year ago I found out the same thing on Google maps. The difference is, I caught her cheating and saw the guys truck (customized) on a seperate occasion, happened to look up my old pad for ***** and grins after the split....then wholla, there was his truck, parked in front of my old pad. Crazy part is, you can count on if something has happened to's probably happened to someone else too. People cheat, life is long, you get over it.

because everyone who uses google looks at YOUR house.

ah dood I seen that too ! red ford focus right ?

The pictures on Google Maps are NOT LIVE, they are at least a few years old. I just did a street view of my old house and saw trees in my front yard that were removed > 3 years ago. OP is an idiot for thinking it was a recent pic, but his wife is a *****.

Those pics are taken like along time ago my house isn't even on there

Don't worry I don't think the world would know that, that is the vehicle of your wife's better playmate.