By chiahuahualove - 05/02/2014 14:26 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I logged into my bank account and started crying. Not because of the balance, but because the password is my anniversary with my ex, and it's the only reminder I have of happy days in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 917
You deserved it 12 454

chiahuahualove tells us more.

Hey there OP here! Firstly thank you to the lovely people with kind messages ! Secondly here's the full story... that password is only needed to log into my bank on a computer, since I always use my phone that wasn't needed for months and completely forgot about it ... Until I needed it. So hence why I haven't changed it ... I didn't need it for 3 months! To those "Lovely keyboard warriors" ( sarcasm) Let me remind you, you are on FML, a space for laughter and face palming ... Not a self help website and your "Advice" isn't requested nor needed Thanks again too all you lovelies ! It's hard when you thought you would marry him and then need to realign your life with current reality... Peace and love OP

Top comments

I'm sorry! You'll find someone else who will make you happy. Out with the old, in with the new :)

emirie 21

Why don't you change the password?


perdix 29

Hey, at least you've got money. They say money can't buy happiness,... But it sure can buy things that feel a helluva lot like happiness! Make it rain at the strip club and you'll be OK ;)

nothing seals a heart wrenching break up like binge drinking! take it from an expert though, put someone in charge of your phone or you will leave some crying voice mails

Can't you change it? If not pray your next relationship falls on the same day...

hisgirl1052012 1
JMichael 25

Time to change that password OP!

Just think positive,there more fish in the sea an hope every thang gets better

Wow that suck but think bout the bright side ........ I can't think of any

That's why I changed my security question of "who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend" answer to 'she died".

hmm seems extreme. she isn't actually dead is she?

Awwe I'm sorry OP! Over time it'll get easier. Just take time for yourself and the right one will eventually come along. :)

This is just sad. Op, a woman who can't be happy without a man is no woman. Tap into your femninity and embrace this opportunity to learn, to not only enjoy the single life, but to love and pamper yourself over another. You deserve more. Find your inner strength and stop wallowing in self pity. One should never entertain self pity. Xxx

I'm usually not a fan if fml pep talks but that one was well crafted.

Love can come at any age so saying thar you'll be a cat lady because this didn't work out is silly. And if that's the only reminder of happier times then how long were you together? Now take some of that balance and buy yourself a toy if you're lonely cause you're clearly not ready for a relationship.

So much agreement with this! It's okay to grieve the end of the relationship, that always takes time, but remember you are an individual; you are more than a part of a couple. Change the password...mostly for the fact that personal dates are ill-advised for passwords.....