By chiahuahualove - 05/02/2014 14:26 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I logged into my bank account and started crying. Not because of the balance, but because the password is my anniversary with my ex, and it's the only reminder I have of happy days in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 917
You deserved it 12 454

chiahuahualove tells us more.

Hey there OP here! Firstly thank you to the lovely people with kind messages ! Secondly here's the full story... that password is only needed to log into my bank on a computer, since I always use my phone that wasn't needed for months and completely forgot about it ... Until I needed it. So hence why I haven't changed it ... I didn't need it for 3 months! To those "Lovely keyboard warriors" ( sarcasm) Let me remind you, you are on FML, a space for laughter and face palming ... Not a self help website and your "Advice" isn't requested nor needed Thanks again too all you lovelies ! It's hard when you thought you would marry him and then need to realign your life with current reality... Peace and love OP

Top comments

I'm sorry! You'll find someone else who will make you happy. Out with the old, in with the new :)

emirie 21

Why don't you change the password?


Wa, wa, wa! Oh yes and you will never have another happy day in your life right? Did you send out invitations to the pity party?

squideth 18

Yes heave forbid anyone ever feel upset about a loved one leaving them, right? Go **** yourself, and while you're at it, go find your empathy.

My password is mine and my beautiful ex husbands ages when we met. I feel your pain.

grritsshay 18

Then change it! No use reminding yourself of it every time you check your balance.

look on the bright side: your bank account isnt empty

Personguy01 11

Gees, that's, that's actually sad.

Dr_Jackal 16

This is a true FYL, I’m sorry dude that’s rough...

geez. change the password and get over it. ydi