By Anonymous - 13/10/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I locked my keys in my car. My spare keys are 45 minutes away in my dorm room. My dorm room keys are attached to my car keys locked in my car. Security said they would let me in as long as I had my school ID. It's on my keychain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 098
You deserved it 7 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I would say this is a serious FML, but why is your ID on your keychain? Unbelievably stupid. That's like keeping your social security card in your wallet, along with your credit cards and license. Come on... But this made me laugh. Sorry. Haha.

well I'm sure it's his student ID... which could easily be on his keychain for easy access. OP you definitely ****** urself though

Do him sexual favors and he'll unlock your dorm without needing proof of identification.

ChronicFAIL 0

Maybe I should become college dorm security...

This is why you should split those things up, rather then keeping all in 1 misplaceable spot.

DoingItWrong 0

Buy a plan with AAA ... they will unlock your car for you if something like this happens. It is well worth the yearly fee ... and on top of that, you can ask for AAA discounts anywhere you go.

Put it inside your body. That way, you'll never loose it.

That's why you never keep keys with ID cards...

betagainstme 0

I have locked my keys in my car more than 10 times, but hearing the way u did it is a first.

capthavoc123 0

This is why you don't keep everything on one key ring, dumbass. My dorm key is on one ring, my car keys are on another, and my ID is in (HOLY ****) my wallet.

South_Park_Shay 0

Try a hide-a-key. It helps. I once lost my keys on a ride at six flags... lol I'm gonna go post that one =p Btw, OP, I hope your cell phone wasnt in the car as well. Lol...