By Anonymous - 13/10/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I locked my keys in my car. My spare keys are 45 minutes away in my dorm room. My dorm room keys are attached to my car keys locked in my car. Security said they would let me in as long as I had my school ID. It's on my keychain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 098
You deserved it 7 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments


what's hide-a-key? I'm Australian and I haven't heard that before here. or I've bn under a rock. please explain?

I don't get it, how do you lock your car without your car keys? 0_O

BaBiiSpAnKy821 0

#19 and #21 are both idiots for arguing over keyschains and keys.. lol.

happykate120 0

The exact same thing happened to me...on my first day of college frfeshman year. It sucked donkey dick.

PurpleAddict 0

See kids...? This is the perfect example of a fail. YDI in so many ways, OP. Step 1: Bend down. Step 2: Pick up rock. Step 3: Throw at car window. Simple, right? Who the hell keeps all their stuff on a freakin' keychain? Oh wait... This dumbass.

Sucks, but a broken car window will be worth having your keys, ID, and dorm room back, right?

KaylieBieber13 0

ask ur roomate for dorm keys