By Anonymous - 30/11/2010 15:23 - United States

Today, I lied when my therapist asked why I preferred Tuesday morning appointments. It's actually because World of Warcraft is down for regularly scheduled maintenance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 754
You deserved it 37 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why lie to your therapist? They can't help you if you don't tell them the truth. Also, if you want to play that game, then fair play, but when you can't tear yourself away in such a way (especially for something like this), then you might want to play a little less.


wow you are a wow loser go get a damm LIFE!!!!

YDI for being mentally weak and getting therapy. Only mental midgets and crazies get therapy! Also, YDI for being a basement-dwelling nerd, for playing WOW, and for playing any video game of any kind. Hell, I'll take it a step further and say YDI for using ANY kind of electronic device for entertainment! ONLY LOSERS DO THAT!!!!

XxdarkangelxX13 0

-_- I don't think therapy is working...

I ******* HATE Tuesday maintenance. XD

abasio 1

There is really no need to lie to you therapist, he's probably heard much worse ;)

Bahaha. This made me laugh. I play WoW too, and yes I'm a girl :) It's okay, I have college every Tuesday and am home when the servers come back up :D

Wow, I fail to see how this is an FML. You could have said. "today I discovered I'm a lazy ass with no life." and it would have been the same thing. go get a life buddy.