By Anonymous - 30/11/2010 15:23 - United States

Today, I lied when my therapist asked why I preferred Tuesday morning appointments. It's actually because World of Warcraft is down for regularly scheduled maintenance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 753
You deserved it 37 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why lie to your therapist? They can't help you if you don't tell them the truth. Also, if you want to play that game, then fair play, but when you can't tear yourself away in such a way (especially for something like this), then you might want to play a little less.



The stupidest shit I have ever read.

ydshelley18 0

Hell yes!!! I'd say the same thing I'm a WoW player my self!!! Lol

Asynja 4

I don't know why everyone who plays WoW is classified as a loser. Many people play video games. WoW has 12 million players. But there are also people who play CoD and Halo religiously and they aren't called losers. I play WoW and also work a full time job (approx. 45-50 hrs/wk) and also have time to go out with friends. It's called moderation. Furthermore, OP, what are you going to do next week when Cataclysm comes out and servers go live Tuesday at 12:01AM?

I used to play WoW.. actually got the realm first light of dawn.. and I am no loser. I feel you on this because it is kind of dumb how if you play wow you're a huge loser.. But you know, if you have seen some of the YouTube videos of some of the wow fan base, you probably would understand why people think that.

given how most people watch tv as much as the average WoW player plays the game, i'd rather be a WoW "addict." at least I can say I had more interaction with ppl than if I were glued to a tv.

BeRealz 0

WoW, sure an bad addict. But helps some people to stay off drugs. Same for any another games. It's not a. "loser" game, hell whose people who calls them an "loser" is an loser for being on here and cyber bullies, and being bully in real life, because they just don't know how to hang on real friends. So, FYLs to whose calls wow players losers. And, stop wasting money on theary, and get more money for wow! lol

i think you're lame but not because you play WoW but because you let it alter your schedule... letting anything like a game alter your schedule is ridiculous

ahaha and the servers were up early today, too. xD

I do the same thing for any of my appointments lol

Well aside from you being completely wrong, I must ask - how does it feel to know that nerds rule the world?