By anonymous - 09/05/2013 00:07 - United States - Casper

Today, I let my dad put my dollar in the slot machine for me because I'm not old enough to gamble. I won $200 but he kept it because he "put the dollar in the slot machine." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 588
You deserved it 10 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vencku 13

He should at least give you your dollar back. Sorry OP, some people just happen to be pricks.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

break a window & tell him to fix it with your $200


OP- your daddy sounds like a Tea Party Repugnican! I'd say (in an Antoine Dodson voice) hide yo money, hide yo kids, yo daddy's a douchewad fo shore!

Oh that sucks! I would totally give that to my kids! Your dad must be a real jerk!

He isn't being fair as it should be yours....was YOUR dollar.....sheesh what an ASS

Buy something you know your entire family will enjoy. When he gets ready to get whatever tell him sorry it was your bill. (While I know this could end negatively, it would be fun for even just one second... sometimes that's just enough time to enjoy it) I'm not a therapist but I would enjoy the moment. GL on whatever you do OP. him doing that was complete shit.

raspberryboo 10

He should have at least split it with you! Or you get 60% and he get%

I've had this happen before. I said 'Dad, it's either the $200 or "you" can buy me that $700 piece of equipment to chill my computers processor. By you, I mean your credit card.' I've never seen money handed over that quickly. Rofl

Bargain with him! Ask him for half or blackmail him with all the secrets he's made you keep