By Mak10 - 10/12/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, I learned the hard way that if you tell your child that they're old enough to cook their own food in the microwave, you have to make sure they're smart enough not to put the metal spoon in with the food as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 297
You deserved it 36 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not about how smart the kid is, it's about how dumb you are for not telling him what he should not put in the microwave. YDI.

Expecting a kid to know to not put metal in a microwave without being told is like expecting anti-obesity groups to blame parents rather than McDonalds for child obesity.


jckbco 0

it's not a "smart enough" issue, that is a learned item (i.e. you wouldn't instinctively know metal can't go in a microwave oven unless either someone told you, or you tried it) FML, today my mom wasn't smart enough to teach me about microwaves before being an SA and telling me to cook my own food

How does someone get to be a Power Ranger then? Please tell. I wanna be one.

EvilDave 13

If your child is not "smart enough" not to put metal in the microwave, that is your fault. It is also an indication that the child is not old enough to cook his own food in the microwave.

I do it all the time and nothing happens.

It's not that your kid wasn't "smart enough." What seems like common sense to an adult might not be apparent to a child. That's why it's your job as a parent to teach them things like this.

it won't do anything. there needs to be points. like with a fork.

it's not a problem if your child is 'smart enough'; it's the fact if you are good enough of a parent to train them properly; which is a NO obviously since you just called ur kid stupid for your mistake!!

spoon should have been a problem cuz it doesn't have the prongs like a fork the pork sparks because the prongs act like antennae to the microwaves

...then tell him. you also have the option of elaborating to your child what is metal and what isn't, depending on his/her age and/or level of comprehension. or pay for new microwaves every week. your prerogative. |the kid|

I once put a candle in the microwave to try to melt the wax. There is a tiny little bit of metal at the botton to hold the wick in place. The second I started the microwave it was like lightning inside.