By MistressSuzuka - 21/09/2012 00:05 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I helped my friend, who is a slob, move out of my house. I found the source of the funky smell she's been complaining about, under her bed. It was her vibrator. I found it with my bare hands. I had to bleach my hands twice and I still don't feel clean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 297
You deserved it 2 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hasn't she ever heard of cleaning the vibrator? Or using vagisil "down there"? That's really disgusting.


devore504 7

I guess she needed a toy cause no man would go near something that smells that bad

You should check the shower head as well

Another reason to live by yourself!!'nn

Does this go with the FML below this? Lol

Literally, funky. O.O that's disgusting, I'm sorry you had to experience that, OP.

HeyArnold91 8

You'll never look at anything that requires batteries the same again. Scarred for life.

ogremama 2
BetinhaG3 2

I'm not sure if I can take this seriously lol. It's just nasty and who would leave something so personal like that under the bed.

Well, looks like im not finishing this breakfast