By oface13 - 16/04/2012 08:12 - United States

Today, I held up my best friend with a lighter shaped like a gun, and jokingly accused him of sleeping with my wife, only to have him admit that he really did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 310
You deserved it 5 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And then you set his ass on fire, right? Right? Very little pisses me off more than infidelity.


anarchistpunk 3

I hate almost everything in the world, but cheaters are the thing at top of the list. Sorry dude.

People these days, just don't think anymore

kileypalmer 0

Love is grand, but divorce is a hundred grand. That sucks I'm sorry

So did your fire lighter gun then......

uh... what are you trying to say???

twisted_cherub 14

32- I got it. I actually giggled enough my boyfriend asked if I was okay.

YesyDidWhat 0

Did you punch him in the face? I would off.

Time to go get the real one...fyl dude

allskollfukurmom 2

Seriously, why is it that everyone cries over spelling? It's the Internet? Not a MLA essay I'm gonna turn into college

bizarre_ftw 21

Well you don't have a real gun so.... Set him on fire? Or just divorce her, less jail time that way. *annoying motivatioal speaker voice* really just do what feels right!