By scheisse - 14/07/2013 21:25 - Germany - Herne

Today, I held a house party. For fun, I made sure all the beer was alcohol-free, so I could see which of my friends would be weak-minded enough to end up acting drunk. Three did. I was one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 318
You deserved it 67 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. You had a non-alcoholic house party in Germany. 2. You fell for your own set up. How do you NOT deserve it?!


Maybe you drank so much non-alcoholic beer it turned itself into alcohol, two negatives cancel out and make a positive! Naw.... You're just an idiot.

Dusty_Busters 15

You fell for your own trick?

Not sure about Germany, but in Canada, non-alcoholic beer still has 0.5% alcohol. So if you drink 10 you've just had the equivalent of one "real" beer, which is enough to get some people drunk if they're very skinny and don't drink often.

Nah thats ridiculous, noone gets drunk off one beer, and plus drinking 1 beer is different to drink all the liquid you would get from 10, and there for the alcohol would be ten times more diluted and have a much less effect, AND it would take time to drink all that, so the alcohol would metabolize before the rest would come in, and there would be extra time for the digesting of it all. So no, you can not get drunk from non-alcoholic beer.

I seriously can't get over this. You're the one who set it up and somehow you still fell for it? You either have a terrible memory or are one hell of a hypochondriac.

DumbPeepsRDumb 3
Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

A friend of mine says drinking alcohol free beer is like licking your sister: tastes right, but it's wrong