By Sadness - 07/10/2013 18:55 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I have been home sick and depressed for so long that I just found Oreo crumbs in my belly button. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 782
You deserved it 17 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd probably feel better if you took a shower and went outside.


SwtCherryPie 26

Being sick and depressed is no excuse for being unclean. Take a shower. That's disgusting.

Being depressed is an excuse for being unclean. Being depressed can destroy your motivation. To do anything. When you get really bad, you are lucky to remember to feed yourself. Finding motivation to do anything but lie in bed is not easy when your brain chemistry is severely out of balance.

diarheea101 11

ignorance is bliss. In this case it's not, it just lowers my faith in humanity.

ferretlady13 10

I know what it's like, OP. Hang in there!

aubama_fml 15

did you taste it to know they're oreo crumbs? :O

jonahwalzer 12

I feel the same. Being the son of a military dad i always miss home.

tailyerd 17
skystormdude 10

Get up and get out... out of your home, your comfort zone and your funk before your belly button becomes big enough to hide an entire Oreo. Your lifestyle is making a run for diabetes. It's no fun having the insulin shots daily. Just get up if only to avoid the pain later in life. Go out and do something... even if its for free. .. volunteer at an elderly home or a child hospital or a homeless shelter. Trust me no matter how bad you feel there are people facing far worse in life with a smile.

so being homesick makes oreo crumbs appear in your belly button? I missed that easter egg op