By Rainman - 14/06/2009 20:39 - United States

Today, I had to water my entire garden. After an exhausting hour of watering hundreds of plants, I turned off the hose and started to feel good about the grueling job. That is, until it started pouring rain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 825
You deserved it 14 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZeldasSage 0

Aww that sucks! Should've checked the weather forecast, though. =/

Yeah, it's such ******* hard work holding a hose for 10 minutes.


haha thanks #88 geez, could you guys get any more redundant? ok ok, he should have checked the weather forecast. but it's not always right!! so it could have said there was no chance of rain, or whatever. the point is, he wasted a lot of time doing something.

irrelevantxx 0
sofad15 0
Kain201212 0

Could you not tell it was going to rain..... Fyl for not being able to look up at the sky.

Jaja that sucks :P well at least ur plants arent going to dry out

aepic 0

YDI, should've checked weather..

Guess what the weather channel said? "sunny and clear!"

Definitely not your fault! Shit like this happens to me all the time.

Assert your manhood and tell the bitch to water her own garbage

YDI check the weather b4 doing all that genius