By Rainman - 14/06/2009 20:39 - United States

Today, I had to water my entire garden. After an exhausting hour of watering hundreds of plants, I turned off the hose and started to feel good about the grueling job. That is, until it started pouring rain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 825
You deserved it 14 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZeldasSage 0

Aww that sucks! Should've checked the weather forecast, though. =/

Yeah, it's such ******* hard work holding a hose for 10 minutes.


YDI, that's why they make the weather channel!

fretforyerlatte 0

hahaha that JUST ******* happened to me the other day. and i even DID check the weather and it said partly sunny, the sun was shining and everything, then about 20 mins later the clouds rolled in and it POURED for all of ten minutes, then was gone again, like a phantom. the weather man doesn't always know what's up, you guys know that.

robinrobinrobin 0

Nice work genius, 40% of the world doesn't have access to clean water and you waste a running hose for an hour on your garden when nature was going to do it anyway. Believe it or not clean water isn't a magical endless commodity. The irony of this FML will become clear to you 20 years from now when your life is actually F'ed by water shortages and other serious environmental degradation that you could have helped prevent.

netbeui435 3

So buy some drip irrigation hose.

ozymandias_fml 0

Because watering is so hard -- and sprinklers are so expensive...

I think your a idiot, You watered your flowers even tho you HAD to of seen the "Dark rainy clouds" In the sky.....? Really?

Weather forecasts are not always right. You might want to invest in a sprinkler though.

You don't have a hose to make things go 500 times faster?