By stupid - 24/09/2009 01:18 - United States

Today, I had to hand write a 10 page essay for one of my classes. When I turned it in I got an automatic zero. It was written in blue. Not black. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 864
You deserved it 13 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It didn't list such an important requirement somewhere?

Once you go black, you never go ba- waaaiiit a minute ಠ_ಠ


you deserve it for not lying about you being color blind.

iluvcandy 7

Ydi why weren't you paying attention in class and besides if you did other things in black why would you not do this

I hate it when teachers are that picky.

in a chem class I was required to type all labs and reports, while everyone else was aloud to hand write it

Anal retentive psychosis must be a requirement for teachers

sohigh10 34

now that's the point where screaming is justified

I hate those teachers that make you write in a certain colored pen. In 7th grade English we could only write in pen, no pencils.