By Cantswim - 20/05/2009 15:45 - United States

Today, I had to go take swimming lessons because my mom has a fear I'll drown and I'm totally afraid of swimming anyway and never get anywhere near water. My instructor? A high school classmate of mine. My fellow swimming classmates? 5 and 6 year old kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 568
You deserved it 9 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're in high school and you write like a 4th grader. I think your mom should spend that swimming money on a tutor instead.

you could have said "swimming" a few more times you know


Jboolia 0

you guys are such asses. It isn't the OPs fault that they didn't get swimming lessons when they were younger, and it us completely understandable that they are afraid of water. OP: At least now you can make a new friend with your classmate.

You can take adult swimming lessons at most pools. Usually if you're over 15 they recommend it.

LOL These comments are hilarious. Everyone gets SO worked up. I'm surprised this one got passed moderation. Honestly.

CHILL222 0

wht highschool kid can't swim? thats just kinda sad

valuemeal2 1

I hate swimming, and it took me a long time to learn too. Look up your local YMCA, they should offer beginner adult swim lessons. Or find a friend/realative who's really good and have him give you a private lesson, then take him out for lunch or something.

valuemeal2 1

Realative: a real life relative (as opposed to a fake one)? FML for not noticing the typo until after it was too late to edit my comment.

newguy12 0

this is fake, the name is "cantswim"

I'm going with YDI because you didn't look for an adult class. But I can barely swim, and I took swimming lessons as a kid and was repeatedly taught the basics during highschool PE when everyone else was doing laps and dives etc. It's just not a thing I can do. I'm too unco and I panic in the water. So what? I stand up in the pool and I hate the beach anyway.

alright. I've got two words for you: PRIVATE. LESSONS. They are less embarrassing.

alex_vik 0

No #36 I meant OP sounded like a 16 year old preppy girl the way she worded the FML.