By Cantswim - 20/05/2009 15:45 - United States

Today, I had to go take swimming lessons because my mom has a fear I'll drown and I'm totally afraid of swimming anyway and never get anywhere near water. My instructor? A high school classmate of mine. My fellow swimming classmates? 5 and 6 year old kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 568
You deserved it 9 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're in high school and you write like a 4th grader. I think your mom should spend that swimming money on a tutor instead.

you could have said "swimming" a few more times you know


LOL @ #9 I'm listening to it too @OP: you should learn to write correctly before learning how to swim. I really doubt you are in high school. If you are, god help us all.

Oh my goodness. This person is not writing an essay for school or something. Who cares that she missed a few punctuation marks or overused "swimming"? Big deal. I can't swim, but I'm not really afraid of water. I don't see what's so bad learning with 5&6 year olds, it can't be that bad haha. At least you're learning a great skill :).

So why didn't your mom have you take swimming lessons when you were 5 or 6 like everybody else? And you could have looked for private lessons, you know.

have you never heard of adult swimming lessons. the majority of public pools offer them. the pool i work at wouldn't even put someone over 14 in a class with kids.

thelion85 0

Don't be so ridiculous! Being unable to swim is like being unable to walk. What the hell was wrong with your parents? That is child neglect.

#26 take a breather and calm the ****'s okay....not knowing how to swim isn't really a big deal if you dont associate with large bodies of water too much.

Meh, it's your mom's fault, she should have taught you to swim/taken you to lessons when you were a child. FYL.

alex_vik 0

The fact that you said you're "totally afraid of swimming" made me hit YDI.

Ask a friend to teach you. It doesn't take that long when you are older.

Tangostarr 0

That really sucks. I would totally kill my mom if this happened to me.