By MrKento - 08/04/2013 23:16 - Honduras - Tegucigalpa

Today, I had to get my grandparents out of jail, because they were caught having sex in a public place. They excused their actions by saying that you can only be young and stupid once, so if you continue doing stupid actions, you are still young. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 536
You deserved it 5 034

MrKento tells us more.

:l Apparently it wasnt a good Idea to let know my grandparents that people thought they were awesome cause of their public stunt....

Top comments

ilovera 7

Ahhh grandparents. That's hilarious.

lissa_jade 22

apparently things get a little wild when Monday night bingo is cancelled..


Don't rain on their senior salsa time...instead be thankful you didn't catch them and take it as a good sign for your own sexual future!

Honestly. Fml for the stranger that had to break that wrinkly action up.

Axel5238 29

Wow sucks for the OP and anyone that happened to see them having sex. Great though they are that active though in their old age.

jdrappi 12

This is a good thing, it may be weird but they are right. Have fun before your worm food

Not to mention it's pretty damn romantic that they are still making love in their golden years! ;)

This is excellent. Seems you have some good genes!

So you're saying that I'm wasting my money on that daily facial moisturizer with the sunblock in it? Guess I'll just have to start committing daily acts of stupidity. Tomorrow I think I'll get a spray tan and do a fist pump.

TheCutestLizard 28

And they decided to call their grandson to bail them out of jail? That's a bit inappropriate.

Well I'm not going to argue with that logic!