By anonymous - 27/01/2010 20:33 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my boyfriend that the reason I don't want to stay overnight at his house is because I still occasionally wet the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 937
You deserved it 8 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iheartyoux96 0

its not OP's fault, some people really cant control it...


prettyprincess2 0

thats nasty that you still wet the bed. you seriously need to be potty trained again and maybe get even more help than that

It's ridiculous that you think that being potty trained is the issue here. You seriously need to go back to school and pay attention in science and maybe even get more help than that.

you may want to talk to your doctor about your paraurethral glands, or Skene's glands, it was officially renamed the prostate by the Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology.

nklinker10 0

LOL... Don't tell him it's urine :D

So what? I still wet the bed sometimes.. it's something that isn't our fault... I take medication for it though.. you should try get some.. All of you: What you doing? Making fun? What if all you lot wet the bed at night? Would we laugh? No because it's not nice and we know what it's like. It has nothing to do with potty training.. thats teaching us how to go potty when we urge.. It's really embarressing I know but still.. grow up! Some people have these problems!

Flabwagger 0

that sucks... everyone that says you deserve it and that you need help can all go **** themselves

perdix 29

If you do piss the bed, tell him it's female ejaculate, and he is so ******* sexy you can't help it. That'll pump his ego so much, he won't care that your lady-come looks and smells like what everyone else calls pee.

WiNnIpEgMoNaRcHs 0

that had to be the funniest thing I have ever seen you write . haha.

kh2soldier 1

lol u shouldA gone to a docter to get that checked u might have some prblems down there