By Anonymous - 03/02/2012 07:58 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to explain to my 18-year-old daughter why she can't pull a duck face pose for her driver's license. She still doesn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 927
You deserved it 4 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

What a stupid move. She doesn't know how stupid that looks, and how when she gets pulled over she's going to have to make that quack face, which could make the cop go... Da fuq wrong with this chick?

I still don't understand why girls insist on pulling this face all the time! Surely they realise it looks ridiculous?


I hate it when chicks do that. It's so stupid! And it's not cute at all. It doesn't have the effect they think it has.

Lucky7Samson 10

Don't worry, if your daughter is that dumb, she wont pass anyway.

Wtf is wrong with this generation's youth?! They're all idiots!

My generation is extremely misguided... dont girls (and some boys) realize that look f**kin stupid and it makes other people want to punch in their face?

dariyaaronova 7

Hopefully she'll realize how stupid she looks.