By Anonymous - 03/02/2012 07:58 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to explain to my 18-year-old daughter why she can't pull a duck face pose for her driver's license. She still doesn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 927
You deserved it 4 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

What a stupid move. She doesn't know how stupid that looks, and how when she gets pulled over she's going to have to make that quack face, which could make the cop go... Da fuq wrong with this chick?

I still don't understand why girls insist on pulling this face all the time! Surely they realise it looks ridiculous?


When I was a teen in 1980's I was in libya and we had nothing like this because the dictator ghdaffi formed somewhat if an iron curtain with the western world...

I'll say it again; You raised her!!!!!

It's alright, the girls that do the duck face usually get laid on the first date.

Oh wow...I just don't know how to respond to that one :/

yusaku02 20

Let her do it, anytime she gets ID'd people will look at her like a complete retard.

What is with so many girls & the stupid duck face?! IT DOESN'T LOOK SEXY! IT LOOKS STUPID! Let her, when she finally realizes how dumb she looks & that she can't change her picture, then maybe she'll understand.

monkeyman247 1

But isn't that why god gave women lips? Lol jk jk

isk8pro445 4

Today I had a bowling tournament, so one of my friends decides to talk about how the team standing behind him sucks dick at bowling. Ahhhh FML

polkadot3155 6

you can do whatever you want for a picture