By monquiqui - 04/07/2011 05:45 - United States

Today, I had to drive my drunk parents home from a party. They leaned out the window and barked at everyone we passed all the way home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 099
You deserved it 3 925

Same thing different taste

Top comments


are ya sure they didn't scream penis at every 1........including the police..... no tht was my parents

HeroOfTime13 0

did you hit them with a newspaper?

missdestinfl2010 0

the last time my parents drank they forced me into a fancy seafood restaurant where my dad spit water on the waiters as they walked by and stuffed his face in his plate with his hands behind his back.. I'd take barking over that any day!

Lmao fml for not having parents like that!