By beekeke45 - 25/06/2011 13:39 - United States

Today, I had to dig up my twin boys birth certificates for baseball registration. Turns out I had been calling both of them by the other twin's name for eight and a half years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 722
You deserved it 67 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how would finding their birth certificates help distinguish their names?


Are you going to continue calling them by their reverse names?

omg, I have twin girls and am pretty sure I did the same thing! you are not alone

How can u say that's bad parenting that's **** all.

Chrispayne 4

Your kids should be the one posting this because ydi

wriptidez 0

whatever names each of them go by just keep those too late to change them its been eighy yrs

You can distingush twins by finger/foot prints on the certificates.

Dez31396 0

dude you suck at parenting

bitchslapped22 14

You are by far the worst parent ever.

I would have thought it was the time on them - she would know which one was older by however many minutes. So, obviously it wasn't the right one lol.