By Lauren - 20/08/2012 03:53 - United States - New Market

Today, I had to bail on yet another date with an awesome guy. Every time I make a date, my hateful mother slips laxatives into my food so I'm glued to the shitter until 2am. This is the fourth time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 676
You deserved it 4 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giantsfan2010 23

You haven't caught on yet? Just don't eat the food.


thaleelee 6

My dad does stuff like that to me all the time :/ it does help not to tell them tho and just say your going to the mall or something. Some parents suck...well most do.

Horstradamus 6

No, you have an abusive father. Get help.

Iniezian 18

Well, you know what she's doing, so why don't you take at least some precautions? Like, I don't know, make sure not to eat the day of a date (in addition to saving yourself from the laxatives, it'll make the food at whatever restaurant you go to taste even better).

Op doesn't state how old she is, just that she thinks the guy was awesome...maybe op has bad taste in men, maybe the mom is a controlling psycho, maybe the mom is trying to keep her daughter from dating psychos....there's just not enough info to vote one way or the other so I'll just give her a point for each (FML for being laxatized & YDI for letting her mom know ahead of time so as to get laxatized....I know that's not a real word, but it works to make the point)

ntiger8705 2

How about using common sense n not eating her food when ur goin on the date. hmmmmmm....

It's your fourth time? You should've noticed this by now. Sorry hun, better luck next time:)

twilightdogstar 1

So maybe don't tell her? It's not that difficult.

Some people don't like lying to their parents?

not telling someone doesn't necessarily mean lying. If you tell someone you're going shopping when you're going to a mall for a few minutes, looking around and then doing something else, you're not lying because you *did* shop.

perdix 29

If you're old enough to date, you're old enough to make your own food, you lazy shit!

Tell her to stop poisoning you! Hopefully she's not putting other stuff in your food... That could get CPS worthy!

DON'T tell her about your dates, and DON'T eat her food. It's really not difficult!

Stop eating food around her, then. Eat out on date days.