By johncabbot25 - 23/12/2011 10:53 - Canada

Today, I had my first kiss with the woman I've been in love with for two years. Right as I kissed her, some guys drove by in a car and threw some soggy spaghetti at me, yelling, "Noob!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 993
You deserved it 3 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SinfulTragedy 19

At least you unlocked an achievement!

flockz 19

44- you misspelled *captain* twice, in two different ways, in the same comment... *facedictionary*


**** the mods, **** the free world, **** this site !

perdix 29

What? They ran out of oranges? I hope you didn't give them the finger. That kiss must have been pretty awful if dudes in a speeding car could detect it from a long distance. Were your ass and tongue both sticking out way too far?

topie_fml 6

I hope to god you two ended up having a food fight.

flockz 19

it's pretty ironic how you finally get your dream kiss from a girl and then you get hit by a bunch of wet noodles. i think life is trying to tell you something, and it isn't that you should open an Italian restaurant.

No no no no, you have it all wrong. They yelled "NUDE!" They were just trying to help you get her undressed, you ungrateful noob.

Or they were yelling "BOOB!" to tell him to grab her boobs

hateevryone 14

those guys are just assholes.

OhLohd111 11

One of them obviously had a mouth too in order to yell at him. But then again, they were talking shit on OP....

If you guys get married, it will make a funny story to tell your kids :) Happy Holidays!

GhostlyGhoulish 1

"And that kids, is how I met your mother"

every1luvsboners 11

Lasagna? What? Tell us. It's all fine with me, but the pasta better be al dente.

xoxPatrina 8
pinkWabbits 0

Just a bit of bad timing. I agree with everyone else: don't sweat it.