By phlyingphuck - 19/07/2009 15:12 - United States

Today, I had a serious allergic reaction to the food I ate at a Chinese restaurant that supposedly didn't contain peanuts. According to my waitress, peanut oil "doesn't count". FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 590
You deserved it 4 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

What a Bitch! Unless she truly didn't know. Now she is sitting at home wondering what baby oil is made of.

that sucks you shouldve complained for free food :p


kira822_fml 0

Every time I eat chineese I get what I call the chineese tummy flu. I feel like I'm gonna throw up but I never do.

How do y'all know the OP even said anything to the waitress? For all you know he/she could've heard from someone or somewhere else that the restaurant is peanut free, and didn't even bother checking with the waitress if their meal had any trace of peanuts in it.. In that case, OP deserves it for not being careful enough and not asking for a list of ingredients..I know that sounds ridiculous but if you have allergies you best bet your ass you should know all the ingredients of every single meal you eat out.

The way I understood it is that the OP asked the waitress if the dish contained peanuts, the waitress said no, the OP ate and then had the allergic reaction...when OP complained to the waitress saying that she had said there are no peanuts in the dish, she replied with "peanut oil doesn't count"

clockworkrainbow 3

I have food allergies too. Coconut, which does include the milk, oil, meat, and even the shell. I avoid all chocolate and caramel products when dining out.. You have to be more careful about eating at restaurants. If you dont already have an EpiPen, you need to get one.

akalisser 0

If you just told them that you were allergic to peanuts, then you might be partially at fault OP. Peanut oil is used in Asian cuisine a lot, so just saying "I can't have peanuts" doesn't cut it. You should've made sure that the dish you ordered didn't contain peanut oil. Sorry, I have to vote YDI.

OP, that is so awful, and you're very lucky. A cousin of mine is deathly allergic to shellfish. She's always very careful when she goes out to eat - she makes it clear that they have to use clean utensils and dishes to cook her food because even a little residue is enough for her. She was in her 30s and hadn't ever had a major incident because she was always careful. One time, though, a restuarant didn't listen to her, so she had an extreme reaction. And now she's a vegetable like Terry Schaivo. So, I have no idea what you told her regarding your condition, but yeah, you have to make it very clear. People who don't have to pay attention to what they eat don't always realize which things contain extracts and such (though peanut oil is pretty damn obvious...)

Oh shit, that's horrible! I hope she can one day recover, and PLEASE tell me you took that restaurant to court.

you should be able to file suit for that.

What a stupid bitch! You know you can press charges.

hobopancake 0

Peanut oil doesn't contain any proteins that cause allergies, so I'm calling bullshit.

Some people are allergic to the proteins, some people are allergic to the oils. Anything can be an allergen if your body reacts to it the wrong way, regardless of what it is.

Uh, if the oil isn't perfectly refined (and believe me a huge amount isn't) then it's gonna contain some amount of the protein(s). If they have an anaphylactic reaction (common with such allergies) then the traces are able to have quite an effect.

Wow baby oil joke I heard on that Paris hilton show..

Ligerie 0

well I apologize for stealing material from a show I never watch. next time I'll be sure to cite my references in APA format for you.

daydreambeliever 0

If she is quoting Ms. Hilton's show then I doubt she knows what APA format is. I can almost hear it "Is that like a designer?"

jt_musik 0

You can't get an allergic reaction to peanut oil...Oils aren't allergens.

How the hell is oil not an allergen? ANYTHING can be an allergen if your body reacts to it improperly.

cherlana32 0

but the allergy to the oil will be a different one than to peanuts she should have said she was also allergic to peanut oil. Unless the oil wasn't refined properly, which was most likely the case.

Ethereal_fml 0

all i am going to say to that is wow..