By crazyjohnny - 01/06/2009 06:52 - United States

Today, I had a really big debate in my English Class about the legalization of weed. My group had to state reasons why weed shouldn't be legal and no one except me had prepared. My partner came to class totally stoned. Our group lost the debate. We got a F. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 359
You deserved it 7 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just point to your friend & say-this is why. Case closed.

Ravemaster7 0

Team grading is as stupid as grading a debate is as stupid as debating the legalization of marijuana in school. Everyone knows what the teacher wants to hear anyway. But it's funny that your partner was stoned and the team arguing for the legalization of it won.


'We got a F.' Are you sure you're not stoned too?

i hate people who argue weed should be legal. i hate people who are high, they're all stupid and ******* retarded, it's disgusting.

stfu. do you know what it does? i dont like people high either and i dont smoke it but for the many benefits it should be legal.

I hate drunk people but I don't care that alcohol is illegal. The fact that you personally hate people who are high isn't really a valid argument for keeping marijuana illegal. I dont do any drugs (dangerous job) and marijuana being legal would benefit me just because it would make hemp legal to grow in the United States. Hemp is food, fuel, paper products, textiles, and improves soil - win/win for everybody. Not to mention all the money we save not shoving people in jail for something as dumb as possession.

#17 who says the OP is from the US? If they were from England for example, we have English class all through school, and we cover nearly everything in it- debate, creative writing etc, it's all lumped under the title of English. In fact I remember debating a lot during secondary school on issues like this

U shouldve used ur friend as an example-u wouldve gotten an A-simple as that.

No debate that takes place in an English class can ever be considered a "big debate"

RoqueSand 0

This isn't an fmylife. It's an "I have bad teammates." You make it seem like your the only one who was prepared in your class, but from what I read, it seems like the other group actually prepared except for maybe that one person who was stoned. Even then, you can still function when you're high. He or she still may have had some valid points. YDI for being too confident in your victory. Still, an F is a really low grade, so that part does suck. You should've at least gotten a C or above for actually being somewhat prepared

LMFAO "a F"! Hahaha saying it out loud just makes it funnier.

lol @ #3 take #8's advice #57; it's TEAM work. OP did his job and prepared but failed apparently due to bad partner who didn't even bother - in other words because of something outside his range of influence. That makes this an FML. I never got the image he was confident in victory, where the hell you pulled that up?!

You would've gotten an F anyway. There is no defense for marijuana prohibition. Don't you wish you would've had enough sense to realize that like your partner? Instead of wasting your time preparing, you should've been out getting stoned too. If you're getting an F anyway, might as well be stoned.

"...and this is exhibit A. my group mate isn't doing shit because he's stoned."