By iheartvodka - 07/11/2009 06:55 - United States

Today, I had a police officer come to my house because I've been reported missing. My friends online decided to call the police because I haven't signed in for 6 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 670
You deserved it 6 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

marshmallowmouse 0

it's...nice that XD

So they knew enough about you for a cop to come to your door but they couldn't find your phone number to just call first?


Lawls. DRAMA. OH NOES, THE COPS WERE CALLED TO YOUR HOUSE BECAUSE PEOPLE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD. It's funny how you are spreading the falsity of what really happened. You gave out your phone number to us freely because we all did become friends. You disappeared after freaking out and leaving a suicidal message. Then you said you were too busy to answer people, but yet you weren't that busy to log onto a mule and view your own profile to see who all was leaving you concerned messages. Don't worry, we're done, drama queen. Go and lie to other people.

SGTSlaughter 0

People on the internet can be paranoid,thinking someone is dead just because they haven't signed on to a website for some time,but this is just taking it too far! "911,what is your emergency?" "I think my friend went missing!" "What makes you think that?" "She hasn't signed on to Facebook for about 6 days and I'm worried!" "Miss,do you know this woman in real life?" "No,but this is not like he-" *911 operator hangs up*

alexcabot 0

YDI for having "friends online" that you talk to every day but don't see in real life.

GUYS!!! This is an obvious fake! 1. How would your friends think that if they knew you personally, they could visit you or call you, making sure your ok or at least talk to the neighbors. 2. No social networking site allows private information like, "This is Tchernov, he lives in Sesame street, adress is 900325." If they did they'd be sued in about 5 seconds when they go online, so they're is no way the police can know unless you know the adress of the friend, WHICH leads to number 1. 3. The police don't waste they're time on stupid evidence like that, now if you called them to arrest you for no reason, sure they'd arrest you, but if you haven't heard them on facebook or twitter for 6 DAYS, they'll say bull, and hang up, cause obviously the person could've gone on vacation (You shouldn't tell people you're vacationing anyways, that's asking wierdo internet physcos to hack your account for your adress and nuke your house.) or is readying to quit the network, or you know just busy. This is really bullsh!t.

jungleman42 0

Trust me, it's not fake. As one of those "friends" I can say it's a half-truth in order to make the poster look good. It completely misses the part about the poster leaving suicidal messages, vanishing and not answering calls/texts before the police were resorted to. In that case the cops would treat it seriously.

#75 you are dumb. Here's why. 1. OP CLEARLY states that they were online friends. 2. Facebook, a social networking site, allows users to put up their address, telephone number, basically any info they want to share. 3. Police would definitely take it serious. All anyone would have to say is "I am concerned about my friend. She hasn't been heard from in 6 days and no one can find her." 4. Your reply was very hard on the eyes.

@76: Wow, just wow... if you're serious than you are fail. @79: 1. SO WHAT if they're online friends, doesn't mean they know each other personally and know what they do all the time. 2. I think it would be f'd up to put your adress, phone numbers, etc all over the internet, you know you're screwed if you do that, and what I don't get, is that you act like you know it's Facebook this guy is on, it could be YouTube, OmgPop, Twitter, etc. 3. how would police take this serious,"Hello 911, I'm quite concerened about something, my friend has been online on (the SNS) for 6 days, I thinks he lost or dead!" I mean really... really?! 6 days is not even a week!!! That's the most ridoculous reason to execute a search mission, and if you think saying "I'm concerened," is gonna be the magic words for the police force, you're screwed. 4. If it's hard on your eyes than get some eye drops :).

/facepalm. 1. You mentioned that it was clearly fake because the OP's friends would have went to her house to check on her. I then stated that they were online friends. It's quite possible that they don't even live in the same state. 2. Facebook gives you the option to put whatever info you want on it's site. It also gives you the option of only showing your info to certain people. And I never said that I knew it was Facebook. You said that NO social networking site is allowed to have personal info such as their address displayed or they could be sued. I was pointing out that you are an idiot and you clearly don't know what you are talking about. 3. Anywhere in that example did I put that the person has to say " My ONLINE friend"? No I didn't. Learn how to read. Six days is long enough for the police to check up at the home of the person. And yes, if you say you are worried about your friend because no one has heard from them for six days, the police will take you seriously. 4. Maybe you should learn how not to write responses in a douchebag format. :)

OMG you make uber failure Charlene, unless this guy lives in Oakland or Birmingham and has been gone for more than a month or so and no really knows where the guy is and haven't heard from him in a month and... omg, You can just get cops over to somebody just cause they're not on Myspace for the last six days, I have friends on Omgpop that don't sign in for fourteen+ days and I just figure they've gone somewhere or went to do work or on vacation, not that they've been kidnapped or killed, sometimes they never log on and I'm like, "Well than, I guess they got other things to do like homework, probably busy with homework or job work, or just plain tired. What if we made you stop signing in for the last 6 days, and we go to your local district and their metropolitan police and say, "Can you find this person, they haven't signed onto FML for 6 days I'm worried :(!" Do you think they'll go to your house and say this person is concerned that you're missing since you didn't sign into FML for the last 6 days, what is the matter with you! Oh my god someone just shoot me.....

Do you seriously not know how to ******* read? For the third time.. IF SOMEONE SAID 'MY FRIEND HASN'T BEEN HEARD FROM, BY ANYONE, IN THE PAST WEEK. EVERYONE IS CONCERNED.' THE POLICE WOULD MORE THAN LIKELY CHECK IT OUT FOR THEM. I never said that if they say 'Omg my freind leik.. neva sined on 2 Myspace in leik.. 6 daiiizzzz. I m sooo scurrred.' that the police would take them seriously. In fact, they wouldn't. BUT THAT'S NOT AT ALL WHAT I SAID. Again, learn how to ******* read you moron.

So they called the police because you hadn't signed in in 6 days, right? Which sort of implies that you're normally on constantly, right? So basically your friends called the police because you thought, "What am I doing on here all the time? I should get a life."

iarediana 0

....And your point is? Big whoop. Your friends care about you. Yeehaw let's throw a party. But seriously, okay, your friends got worried. No need to think you need to **** your life. This site needs a "Who Cares?" Button, but until then, YDI for thinking your life is ****** up because your friends care.

lol not really a fml but funny all the same :)

Scratch the FML! "I'm glad my friends care about me so much. MLIA."

HighLife19 0

Just because you're ass doesn't sign in for six days, doesn't mean you're dead...but rather found a ******* life!