By Anonymous - 19/07/2012 04:55 - United States - San Diego

Today, I had a few friends over. Wanting to seem cool, I yelled at my girlfriend to get me a beer. She chucked four bottles at my head. All my friends cheered her on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 851
You deserved it 80 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gianthelper 1

I'm pretty sure almost everyone here is going to cheer her on aswell. Way to be a dick.


spaija 8

did she chucked all four bottles in the same time or she did it one by one? in both cases YDI, but if she did it one by one, with small dramatic pause in between, YDI even more :)

I imagine: Get <throw> your <throw> own! <throw> Asshole! <throw>

jaytee1994 9

Go girlfriend!!!!:) you deserve that you fagg! You have to treat your girlfriend like a princess! Treat her with respect and love! NOT yelling at her! You got what you deserved! :)

Hmm, it might be a little redundant to repeat what most everyone else has already stated.....but perhaps it's best to err on the side of caution and make Certain you understand this point: Yes. You deserve to not be given any more respect than what you had given to your girlfriend. Idiot. :p

YDI. If my boyfriend ever did it I'd slap him in front of his friends.

p1nkzebra 7

You are a douche! YDI, your girlfriend should go find someone better after that asshole move you just pulled! Nobody likes a douche, so you should have seen this coming. Really I don't know what to say except that you must have a mental disorder or something.

NoahEibon 11

Way to be a dick, you deserve it. She shouldn't have to serve you and your friends. Now you are a dick and a bad host.

since when being a dick to your girlfriend is considered cool?

Since small boys who believe in 'girl germs' started drinking beer and having girlfriends.