By OwMyBalls - 12/02/2012 06:17

Today, I had a debate with my girlfriend about whether giving birth or getting kicked in the balls hurts more. It ended up with her kicking me in the balls. I was the one who said giving birth hurt more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 035
You deserved it 6 496

Same thing different taste


Getting kicked in the balls : 12 seconds (pain lasts a couple of minutes?) Giving birth : can last 8 hours. OK.

desireev 17

8 hours? Pssh! My labor lasted 31 hours!!

BradleysMommie 0

The pain lasts longer than just a couple minutes. I've only been punched (not very hard mind you) and the pain lasted a lot longer than a couple minutes. Now that multiplied by how hard someone can kick... Nightmarish. My point is, you don't know the pain of it nor will you ever. So don't judge pain factors if you don't know.

Eight hours??? Really? Most of us wish. my labor was 48 hours only five of which did I have an epidural. Despite hard labor I would not progress.

yusaku02 20

Only 31 hours? I was a 50 hour birth coupled with a C-section.

desireev 17

Yeah! That's what I'm saying! I got lucky with 31 hours! There are many more women who labor for much longer than 31 hours! I got really lucky! My mom was in labor with my brother for 93 hours.. That was BAAAAD!!

sugarbear0727 19

I am so glad that mine only last 24. But from the time the doctor started getting me ready to start pushing, and my son being born, took about 10 minutes. Four pushes and he was out. Just under 5lbs, but still excruciatingly painful.

Osito2011 9

Your should kick her in the ****** with your fist!

Giving birth hurts more simply cause it lasts so much longer, but after getting kicked in the balls you don't get a baby that makes it worthwhile.

miZscrZee 0

Wow, that's sucks..I would never kick/hit my boyfriend in the balls..

OptimusKali 0

I don't think any man deserves to get kicked in the balls on purpose.

Inheritance 10

Well really it depends if you're on drugs to kill the pain while having birth or if it's just plain natural birth

I'm just glad being kicked in the balls doesn't go on for days.

Although this argument will never be able to truly end, I will say that there aren't many things that can make a full-grown man fall to the floor in pain. Even though I would assume giving birth hurts more, I don't think women will ever be able to fully comprehend just how much a kick to the balls hurts.

crazyblackchick 0

Get her pregnant, then RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.