By grrrrrr - 19/02/2010 06:18 - United States

Today, I grounded my daughter for putting play doh in the toaster. She's 17 and got into Columbia early admissions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 613
You deserved it 5 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ClaireXX 0

I think that's like when people are really intelligent academically but lack some common sense...

.....Must resist the urge to put play doh in the toaster >.>


I don't get it, how does anyone tthink this isn't a big deal? this is indicitive behaviour, why on earth would ANYONE put playdoh in the toaster? WHY? this girl has issues and this is one of the indicators. regardless if she's acting out to anything, or angry, when I'm angry I swear and maybe hit the counter top with my fist or something and walk away, I don't go get the playdoh....

17 year old + play doh + toaster = psychological imbalance. oh yes, i see your logic there, mr freud.

because it's funny, that's why. and because don't you sort of wonder how it would come out? maybe it gets soft in the middle and browns around the edges, like a muffin, or gets gooey, or just dries out. i respect your concern for her, but it sounds like she's pretty well adjusted in life otherwise and is just goofing off.

Dr. Sir. You just stated that when you get angry you, "swear and hit the counter." This is indicative behavior. Based upon the evidence you have presented, your behavior is indicative of severe anger and aggression. Why, even now, I fear for my life just reading your statement. When I get angry, I listen to music and cool down. Therefor your behavior is irrational and could lead from punching inanimate objects to, kicking, fisting, bunting, hurling, and/or plucking animate objects and swearing in front of both minors and excessively cute animals. Please seek help.

pfunk129 1

buy the bitch the oven bake set that little girls play with.

Was she planning on eating it? Cooked playdoh sounds delicious!! A little salty but better she put playdoh in the toaster than to want something else salty in her mouth! Have her check for more recipes!

I think you have a cool daughter who's not afraid of following her ideas fully.

...Well now I feel better for having broken my toaster. At least I didn't put play-doh in it. ^_^

Gobsnoglin 0

If she is smart enough to get into Columbia then she should be smart enough to know better. You fail as a parent for obviously letting her do anything and everything she wants, that and she must be a little retarded to think toasted playdoh was a good idea.

how does OP fail as a parent? it's not like she left a four year old unattended to do it. her daughter is 17.. and she said she grounded her how is that letting her do whatever she wants? and just because she pit play-doh in the toaster doesn't make her a RETARD. not everyone can be flawless like you ..asshole.

texas_justice 0

...and so you grounded... i say again, grounded? your 17 year old daughter for what? geez Louise, what sort of camp are you running there adolph?

texas_justice 0 make it sound like she is a moron stuffing peanut butter into the VCR (not that anyone has a VCR anymore). clearly she was curious about the effect of heat applied to play-doh. Nobel prize worthy research? no. but you grounded her? if you have not already destroyed her spirit, she is sitting there right now thing... I can't wait to escape this ******* place. good job, way to go, congrats! you must be proud.

1) I still have a VCR, and in fact, used it a couple of weeks ago (to be fair, I was burning the VHS to a DVD at the time, but still). 2) If she wanted to experiment with the effect of heat on play-doh, she could have used a stove, where she could actually WATCH the play-doh much more easily than she could in a toaster. Or, she could have thought ahead and realized that if the play-doh melted, it would be nearly impossible to get out of the toaster afterwards. No matter how you think of it, OP's daughter didn't think this one through. I second whoever said she was probably high at the time. 3) You make it sound like being grounded is a major punishment. It's not. At all. In fact, most teenagers find being grounded a laughable punishment. "Yeah, okay, mom, I'll just sit here and listen to my iPod and sneak out while you're cleaning the toaster!"

Well, then what is the point of grounding her if it's a "laughable punishment?" I would have made my daughter pay for a new toaster by making her work around the house to earn the money if she didn't have a job. I guess being grounded can work for some teenagers, but I think seventeen is a little old to be grounded. But then again, that's just me.

I didn't say there was a point to grounding. I didn't say it was effective. All I said is that teenagers don't take it seriously. I actually agree that there are better ways to deal with 17 year olds. I was just commenting on the fact that texas_justice compared the OP to Hitler for grounding her daughter, making it sound like OP had gone WAYYY over the edge, when in reality the punishment was rather wishy-washy.

i've worked with some higly educated guys one time, i felt like i was in in a classroom of 10 years old. so, i think that is a good thing, your daughter is smart as hell :D (and around my age :D) (not imposing anything) (no really) (i live to far away anyways)