By yulis - 30/11/2013 19:21 - United States - Hagerstown

Today, I got pulled over on the highway for going over the speed limit. The cop seemed nice, and I was sure he'd let me off with a warning, until my husband piped up with, "Didn't think you folks came out this far. What, the donut store got shut down or some shit?" I got the ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 438
You deserved it 7 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time tell him to shutup before all the stupid comes out.

I'm sorry, OP. Maybe next time try not to speed or go over the limit. Just pay your ticket before it gets higher.


Inkedldd 8

I hope you punched your husband in the arm for that remark.

Sell something belonging to your husband to pay the fine

I'm sorry OP. Make your husband pay for the ticket, since he seemed to think it's funny

I'm sure the cop never heard donut jokes before

ulissey_fml 22

Do not, I repeat, DO NUT ever broach that subject or pronounce that word within a cop's hearing.

brit628 7

I would have slapped him in the chest and gave me him the ticket then said your paying for it and next time don't say anything if we get pulled over.

I agree, your life sucks, your husband deserved it!

While I do get sarcastic with cops and joke with then that was stupid on your husbands part. At least I'm not making fun of the cops when I get pulled over.