By notdrivinganytimesoon - 04/03/2015 02:35 - United States - Richardson

Today, I got pulled over during my driving test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 259
You deserved it 7 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should've said "Ain't nobody got time for that!" to the examinator and kept going.


I've always wondered what happens if that were to happen... Follow up, OP?

MehNameIsJuan 15

I would imagine they wouldn't pass

tantanpanda 26

#30, what if it was just a traffic stop and op didn't do anything wrong? I'm curious too.

That was always my worst fear when I was learning how to drive. I'm sorry you had to live it :c Hope you got a warning since you're still a beginner..

Definitely interested in a follow up. Most drivers are super cautious during the test I'd assume. Eh, you'll have other chances to get your license OP.

Maybe they were overly cautious? Going too slowly can be as bad as speeding

brendejafulable 41

Wow. In Australia if u are doing something wrong as an L plater the instructor is held responsible. But seriously curious as to why u were stopped!

Did you roll through a stop sign? That is the most common thing...where I took it, it's an automatic fail on the test if you do it once.

kelardy 11

if you got pulled over during a driving test because a cop saw something wrong even if you hadn't been pulled over you wouldn't have passed anyways.

That's when you tell the officer "I'm so sorry, but the instructor told me to make that U turn!" You've already failed your driving test... Might as well do your best to get out of the ticket.

MehNameIsJuan 15

Because pissing the instructor off will really make your chances better

Getting pulled over is a guaranteed fail on the test. Upsetting the instructor wouldn't matter at that point.

Unless the car they were driving matched the description of a car the cop was actually looking for.

now don't tell me its part of the test...