By Loser - 21/08/2013 15:17 - United States

Today, I got my girlfriend to play Smash Bros Brawl with me. As it was her first time, I set up handicaps to give her at least a shot at winning. She won, quite handily. A little irritated at this, I took off the handicaps and tried again. She beat me even faster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 738
You deserved it 26 272

Same thing different taste


Oh no you lost at a game. You're whole life is over

Oh boo hoo, you lost a video game. Suck it up.

some people have a knack for certain games like RPG's are mine but I suck at shooters

You, my friend, have been played! And pwned! muhahahahaha

JessiKitty_lol 7

If you're on any PR list, I feel so sorry for you xD

Beware the girl gamers they have the powers of button mashing.

It's obvious that she's a natural gamer. Maybe instead off being upset about losing (and being a touch sexist in the process), you could try and use that as a means to bond with her. try new games together. you now have something in common that you didn't know before. cherish it, because too few couples can share a common interest like that. and don't worry if you lose sometimes. that's life and it happens.