By Loser - 21/08/2013 15:17 - United States

Today, I got my girlfriend to play Smash Bros Brawl with me. As it was her first time, I set up handicaps to give her at least a shot at winning. She won, quite handily. A little irritated at this, I took off the handicaps and tried again. She beat me even faster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 738
You deserved it 26 272

Same thing different taste


you should use kirby if u arent already, hes the best in the game

It's either she lied about never playing or you just suck

YDI for expecting all girls to be terrible at video games. Kind of full of yourself, don't cha think? We game, too! She could have been practicing without your knowing!

I feel like people are making too big of a deal about this. No where in the FML does it mention him thinking that girls are terrible at video games. How would you feel if someone said it's their first time playing a certain video game and they end up beating you? I'm not gonna lie, if that happened to me, I'd be a little irritated, too.

I'm pretty sure he expected her to be terrible because it's her first time playing, not because she's a girl. Stop trying to make every little thing sexist.

Oh come on girls are amazing's not a surprise...

Don't be a sore loser op, look at it from this angle, at least you've got a girlfriend whose willing to game with you. I'd say that's a win/win. Only thing that could make it better is if she can kick your friends asses in COD.

This would only be acceptable if she picked Meta Knight.

threer 30

I believe MetaKnight is only in brawl..

I once did that on a game and my gf started having a go at me saying that I did it on purpose letting her win... At least she had fun!

Don't feel too bad. My boyfriend is an incredibly skilled gamer and beats me at every shooter we play, but I consistently kick his ass at Brawl no matter how much he tries. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. We tend to stick to co-op games when we play together, since we get a bit aggressively competitive otherwise. Judging by your attitude in this FML, you may want to do the same!

Unless she has no hands or the IQ of a pea why would atomically think you would win. You're a douche.