By scooter922 - 15/07/2012 07:45 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I got home from the hospital after I burned my hand. Why? I dropped my phone in the pot while stirring hot soup, and I reached in to get it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 216
You deserved it 39 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_SkyCantLimit 5

Every doctor in that hospital: *Face palm*

"k" This is the text message I received that caused the accident that burned my hand for the rest of the week. Sounds like the makings of a no cooking and texting commercial ad


On the bright side, the hot soup may have disinfected the germs the phone picked up when you used it in the bathroom.

Sizzle91 0

Lesson learned! Boy or gal touches hot pan on the oven. Tell yourself! Will I do that one again? Huh? Maybe not! Classic. Multi task while cooking may not be a good thing. Hands free devise would have been good.

didnt your ever take science in school? Im pretty sure they teach that you should never reach into something hot regardless. YDI

Unbweavable 17

You do know you could've used the spoon you were stirring with rite?

Icyghost17 10

I'm going to be a tad more sympathetic here. Yes, ydi it, but I'm almost positive it was a reflex. Op wouldn't consciously stick his hand in hot soup.

I love how everyone is shit talking op as if you've never immediately reached for your phone as soon as it slipped out of your hands... Granted I don't know why you'd be cooking and texting in the same location but still people damn! Oh wait did your brain register that it was soup before your hand went for the jacuzzi? 0-0

What is up with people worrying about the phone not OP? What kind of sick, twisted world do we live in?

Did anyone else think of the Drake and Josh episode when Drake dropped his phone in his soup to see if it would float?

I bet you lied and told the doctors another story. Lol